Professional laser cutting services of metal components in small and large series quantities. Laser cutting allows to obtain various even very complex shapes.

Carbon steel, nickel, stainless steel, aluminum, plastics, brass, copper, bronze.

Design office
Our production processes are designed and accomplished on CAD/CAM.

We cut elements from sheets with a thickness of 0.5 mm to 5 mm or more, depending on the material.
Laser cutting
The highest cutting performance in terms of best productivity while ensuring precision, quality and accuracy.
3106 mm
Cutting area (X)
1582 mm
Cutting area (Y)
100 mm
Cutting area (Z)
3000 mm
Nominal size sheet (X)
1500 mm
Nominal size sheet (Y)
± 0,5 mm
Precision of sharpening the edges
Laser cutting allows to obtain various, even very complex shapes. We provide an aesthetics of performance; edges of laser cut elements do not require additional processing before the next production processes on the component.
Mikrostyk’s offer also includes a metal stamping and bending, galvanic coatings and automation of production processes.