Christmas and New Year are coming very fast. I do not know how it is possible … We have set so many ambitious tasks for the passing year and today is the time for summaries and evaluations.
2018 is a very successful year for Mikrostyk. Paraphrasing the words „Success has many fathers, failure is an orphan”, the success of our company is undoubtedly due to many fathers: our clients, suppliers, business partners and the very committed and dedicated Mikrostyk team. Failures which cannot be omitted when developing a company, do not remain orphans and we face them as a team.
The challenge of the year for our organization was the change to the ERP system, which in the long-term perspective will radically improve the communication, reporting and control system in our company. The implementation of the system took place in the middle of the year, which was a bit risky and stressful, but the process was well prepared and any further delay was considered more dangerous. In 2019, we will launch the next ERP steps to eliminate, by the end of the year, 90% of the circulation of all paper documentation in the production area.
2018, like assumed, largely proceeded on the stabilization of processes. After 2 years of a very dynamic growth, a return to sustainable growth was very much needed for us to strengthen the company and to prepare for the next challenges. During this time, we have managed to make further investments in the strategic production machines for our business, thanks to which we are very close to the assumed plan for replacing all strategic production lines with new ones by 2020.
We also worked on the efficiency. More and more production areas have been covered by TPM actions, we are intensively implementing SMED.
This year, we managed to convince NCBR (national research and development centre) to grant us a significant EU subsidy for a very interesting project, which, we deeply believe, will have a positive impact on the manufacturing processes in Mikrostyk.
You will hear a lot about our CSR actions next year, but let this remain a secret for a moment.
In the passing year, we celebrated our first 20 years anniversary. It was an opportunity to reminisce about small and big successes and failures, for many moving flashbacks. These are the moments in which you really feel this spirit of a family-like, strongly bind company. From this we get our great strength, thanks to which, as I am sure about, we will gain many other successes.
By the topic of family, I wish you a wonderful Christmas, in an atmosphere of joy, away from the hustle and bustle of everyday affairs and concerns. See you in the New Year 2019. May it be very successful for us.
Bartołmiej Anusiak
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